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Reading Sparks gives you the opportunity to make connections – not only the connections between STEM, reading and arts, but also connections with other people, your peers, librarians, professionals and families in your community.

The is a role for everyone in Reading Sparks. You don’t have to know loads about STEM or reading to take part, you just have to be willing to share your ideas. You could do this by drawing, film making, model building, trail setting, presenting, writing… it’s open to everyone.

You can develop your skills in communication, team work, leadership and organising. These are things that you can add to your CV and can be used in jobs and further study.

It’s also a sociable place where you can meet and have fun with friends. 

Find out what Reading Sparks role might suit you with our totally unscientific personality quiz. 

Take the personality quiz

Or have a look at some Reading Sparks creations to spark some inspiration.